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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

February 22, 1996

Each year the Browerville FFA gives part of their fruit sale profits as a community donation. This year $100 was given to the Browerville Fire Department to kick-off a fund drive to purchase a “Jaws of Life”. The ambulance crew will also benefit from the “Jaws of Life”, and representatives from the ambulance crew and the fire department were on hand to accept the donation. Pictured were Walt Lucas, fire chief; Ollie Hayes, ambulance crew; Jason Biel, FFA vice president; Kristi Hokanson, ambulance crew; Paul Perish, FFA Sentinel; Beth Gagnon, ambulance crew; and Tom May, FFA treasurer.


The Tigers ended their dual meet season with a win in the first round over Parkers Prairie by a score of 39-35. Then in the second round, the Tigers fell to Wheaton-Herman-Norcross by a score of 62-9.

75 Years Ago

February 23, 1946

The Sinclair H-C Service Station located near the Farmer’s Cooperative Creamery in Browerville was recently sold by Owner Frank Masonik of Long Prairie to Mr. Patri and Mr. Marlow of this village. They plan to enlarge the filling station to include a sizable workshop at the rear of the building.


The first 6000 eggs were placed in one unit of the huge incubators at the Browerville Hatchery on Monday morning. Local poultry raisers are off to an early start on this year’s production. A like amount of eggs will be placed in the incubators every Monday and Thursday until the full capacity of 94,000 eggs has been reached. This year the local hatchery will add to its personnel the services of Lawrence Kahlert who recently returned home after an absence of more than three years serving with the Armed Forces overseas.

Tel: (218) 756-2131

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310 Main St. W., Clarissa, MN 56440

Benning Printing & Publishing, inc.
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