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25 Years Ago

January 18, 1995

Shortly before Christmas the wrecking ball leveled a Main Street building in Eagle Bend that history dates back to at least 1930. Last known as Maureen’s Ceramics, the building had housed a multitude of different businesses during its existence. Apparently the big, brick building that was located between the old meat market and Sir Anthony’s Family Restaurant was built about 1930 by the Johnson brothers, Charlie, Joe and Eddy; uncles of Dennis Johnson.


The Eagle Bend Junior Girl Scout Troop #233 had an excellent turnout for their January 8 spaghetti feed fundraiser. The girls began their work months ago deciding on a way to raise money for a “Midnight in the Museum Trip” in St. Paul February 25-26. They decided a spaghetti feed was the way to go!

50 Years Ago

January 15, 1970

Ray Schultz was elected chairman of the Todd County Board of Commissioners and Rex Lambrecht was elected vice chairman at the annual meeting of the county commissioners held last week.


William Einerwold was among the students listed on the Dean’s List of Moorhead State College. Marvin Housman and Richard Wehking, sons of Victor Housman and Herbert Wehking, were listed on the Dean’s List of University of Minnesota Technical College, Crookston.



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