Verndale Council: Moving forward with liquor store remodel, water treatment plant running for a week
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale City Council met at the Verndale Fire Hall for the regular council meeting on April 13. Water Project Clif Allen, with Moore Engineering, said the water treatment plant has been running for about a month. Some alarms have gone off, but he said that is not uncommon and otherwise things are going well. The parking lot still has to be done along with sidewalks. The old well pumphouse is disconnected and they are working to connect the old well to the new building. Approved to pay partial payment 13 for $117,234 and partial payment estimate 14 for $12,910 to Eagle Construction; and Moore Engineering $10,503. They are still waiting on the quiet title action for the lot the new water tower will be built on. The State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) wishes to review the empty lot for any historical precedence, but it’s on hold due to the shutdown. They are asking Rural Development and DEED to waive the SHPO requirement in light of the situation. The council still wishes to have an open house at some point for the new water treatment plant. Liquor Store Melissa Current, city clerk and liquor store manager, reported there was a decrease in sales in the amount of $6714 over the last year. There was a net loss of $1442 for the month and a net loss for the year of $936. The liquor store is being painted and the floors are being waxed. The bar is closed until May 1. They closed off sale after a week as it wasn’t profitable. They are checking on perishables in the bar weekly. . . .