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Carolers bring joy to CTCCC

On Saturday, December 19, a small group of Clarissa High School alumni and friends gathered to safely sing some Christmas carols outside of the Central Todd County Care Center in Clarissa. According to the event organizer Julie Feuling, “It warmed our hearts to see residents through the windows waving at us or tapping their hands along. One bedridden gentleman (Leo, who used to run the post office) locked eyes with me and when we finished he clapped gently. My mother told me he is 100 years old. One darling lady (Myra, who used to give my grandson candy when we could go inside) waved and smiled at us the whole time. One of our singers, Shari, used to work there and it was sweet to see her wave and say hello to residents she knew. And one special 91-year-old man was my stepfather who, from his bed, watched all of us sing and looked at our signs. I told him, through a closed window, that I loved him. He heard me and I heard him say, “I love you too” and I told him I hoped I could bring mom to see him soon. And then he locked eyes with my daughter during the next songs and said, “Can’t you come in YET!?” when we had to leave. Then we went to the senior apartments where my mother lives and sang for some of the residents, again safely. I’m so thankful for the friends and family who took the time to join me and create those moments. We would love to make it an annual thing and will gladly welcome any and all who want to join us next year.”


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