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Clarissa School building sold to developers

The city of Clarissa’s Acting Mayor Karin Nauber signed the purchase agreement and amendments under the direction of Realtor Mona Ladue. The council held a special meeting on Tuesday, May 4 to allow council members and citizens to ask the buyers Taylor and Ashley Carbert questions about their intentions. Negotiations are still open on the use of the gymnasium. The Carberts said they are very willing to allow use by the community for events and the like through rental agreements.

by Karin L. Nauber

After years of failed attempts and countless hours committed to selling the former Eagle Valley Elementary School, in the end, it came down to a special meeting of the Clarissa City Council on May 4 to finalize the sale.

Mayor Bob Gamache was unable to attend in person but was on via a telephone call to help with any questions or concerns that could arise. Council Member Chad Olson was absent.

Acting Mayor Karin Nauber called the meeting to order and opened up the floor to questions from the council and citizens in attendance.

The potential buyers, Taylor and Ashley Carbert, were at the meeting to introduce themselves and to answer any questions.

Taylor is in the construction business and Ashley is a realtor with Century 21.

They have been purchasing properties and “flipping” them for about ten years so they have a lot of experience with creating something new out of something older.

A 30-day option is included in the agreement so that the couple can make sure things are in proper working condition before they begin their work.

The Carberts’ plan is to create townhomes within the building with two to three-bedroom dwellings.

Rather than a rental type, the Carberts intend to finish the units and put them up for sale. The units will be open to anyone.

After the 30-day overview, the couple intends to begin remodeling immediately and hopes to finish a couple of units at a time.

The plan is to create an association that will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance. . .


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