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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, May 20, 1948

• In a telephone conversation with Tom Aaberg, manager of the Lampert yard at Wadena, on Monday of this week, we received the information that the Lampert Lumber Co. at last is ready to make preparations for re-opening their Verndale yard. The Verndale yard, a war casualty, has been closed since 1942. Mr. Aaberg stated according to his information from their headquarters at St. Paul that they want to repaint the building, put on new roofing and repair other buildings before putting in a stock of lumber, etc. They expect to reopen the yard within 30-60 days.

• At the regular meeting of the Commercial Club held Monday night, Ed Tabley and Rev. Wayne Ireland, of Wadena, representing the National Boy Scout Council, officially presented the Verndale Boy Scout Charter 87 to the Commercial Club which is the sponsoring institution of the local boy scout organization. Duties of the Commercial Club will be: first—see that the troop has adequate leadership, second—that the troop has a regular place of meeting and third—that the troop has the opportunity to partake in a 10 day camping trip.

• One of the biggest local sporting events of the year will take place Friday evening on the school grounds when the Northsiders meet the Southsiders in a kittenball game. Last year, it will be remembered the Northsiders won the game, and are still holding the honors with confidence of repeating the feat.

• Pete Gaul and Wm. Juergens are moving from the Verndale Farm Store building this week into their new garage building across from the village fire hall.

40 Years Ago, May 19, 1983

• Bill Fisher, who is in his 15th year as a member of the District 818 school board, was unseated by a mere six points in the annual election held Tuesday, May 17. He received 137 votes from the 228 persons registering to vote. This represents approximately one-fourth of the eligible voters in the district. Taking office on July 1, 1983, will be incumbent Dave Bessler who received 143 votes, and newcomer, Jerome (Jerry) Nanik, who garnered 148 votes.

• The three finalists who were crowned in the Miss Verndale pageant last Saturday evening were: Pam Schmidt, first runner-up, daughter of Florian and Mildred Schmidt; Cathy Colby, Miss Verndale, daughter of Dan and Beth Colby; and Sheri Thurston, daughter of JoAnn Thurston.

• Setting the poles for a new shelter in McNair Park are members of the Verndale Boosters Club: Don Youngbauer, Chuck Tangeman, Mark Callahan, Armond Swanson and Dick Tangeman. The club has been holding fundraisers to help finance the project which they hope to have completed before Memorial weekend.

• Carla Suhl waited for her shoestrings, t-shirt, mug and other prizes won for having sold 200 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. The prizes, along with awards, medals and ribbons earned, were distributed at the annual Girl Scout Banquet held at school last week on Tuesday. Other girls who sold 200 or more boxes were Kim Wiese, and Jennifer and Jessica Miller.



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