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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, August 19, 1948

• Bob McRoberts turned in a nifty one-hit pitching performance Sunday as Verndale trounced last place Girard 15-0. Girard’s first sacker Jensen spoiled McRoberts’ chance for a coveted no hitter in the seventh, as he lofted a lazy liner over the infield for Girard’s lone single. The rest of the way “Rapid Roberts” was in complete charge as he fired them by 10 strike out victims and allowed only three balls past the local infield. Meanwhile, Verndale collected 12 safeties off Howard Gleesing and took advantage of 10 Girard errors to count their 15 runs.

• With only a few blocks of city water mains to be laid, and the erection of a pump house and tower underway this week, the engineers report that Verndale’s city water system is not many weeks away from completion.

• “Babe” Ruth, baseball’s greatest hero and the “King of Home Run” fame passed on to eternal rest on Monday of this week at the age of 53 from cancer of the throat. His mark in baseball history will never be forgotten.

40 Years Ago, August 17, 1983

• Former pastors and members of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Bartlett Township returned Sunday to join in the observance of the church’s 85th anniversary celebration. The regular Sunday morning worship service was held after which the new church sign, a memorial to Harry Rach Sr., was dedicated. Following an afternoon anniversary service, lunch was served. A noon dinner was also served.

• Surplus commodities will be distributed to low-income families in Otter Tail and Wadena counties on Thursday, August 25. Recent reports from the state office confirmed that flour and butter will definitely be available and possibly two pounds of cheddar cheese. Blue Grass has been added as a new site for the distributions, bringing the number of sites for the two county area to 26. Ernie Nolte will be coordinating the distribution which will take place at the Blue Grass store from 10-4. Verndale will continue to distribute commodities from 10-1:30 at the fire hall.

• Groups entering the kiddie parade during Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days numbered almost 40 with as many as eight in one family group. The imagination of the kids (and their parents) was unbelievable, ranging from an EMT team, Pac Man, clowns, insects, animals, etc.

15 Years Ago, August 21, 2008

• Louie Randall has tuned up his bike for a ride. What ride? Well, Louis was in charge of the motorcycle ride for the kids in the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Kruzin 4 Kidz, formerly Stampede for Wishes, hosted the third annual Motorcycle Ride and Rodeo on Saturday, August 16. The event was organized by the Central MN Choppers and took place from its new location at the Elks Club of Wadena.

• A variety of snacks and recreation were enjoyed at Bible school. Crafts were an important part of the event held at the Verndale Alliance Church. Volcanoes made with paper mache were a big hit. The kids watched the demonstration of the eruption of a volcano and could repeat the “wonder” at home.

• The Pirates football players have started practice in full force. Unlike volleyball practice in the gym, there is barely any noise out on the field except the occasional “Set, hut!” by senior quarterback Matt Moenkedick. The players started their first practice in uniform stepping it up a notch. With the annul scrimmage right around the corner on the 23rd of August, all are very excited to see what the other teams and our own look like in action.



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