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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, April 21, 1949

• The Sunflower Patrol No. 58 was called to order by Patrol Leader Jo Ann Johnson. We sang the song “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The minutes were read and approved. For old business we decided to go roller skating at New York Mills on April 29. We are to meet at Desrochers at 6:45.

• Pete Beaver of Verndale recently received an official award from the DeKalb seed and corn company for being Wadena County’s 1948 champion corn grower of their seed. The official test was made on a 15 acre tract of corn which showed an average yield of 78.41 bushels per acre.

• Over 20 members of the Verndale Commercial Club turned out at the Monday evening meeting. The most important piece of business completed at the meeting was the unanimous approval of the members to back the fixing up of a place for tourists to stop for picnic lunches, etc. County Commissioner Newman Ireland was at the meeting and brought approval from the board of the commissioners to grant use of the grounds near the county garage in Verndale for the purpose of fixing up a tourist park. The plans are to have a street light erected at the park site, water available, two fireplaces, picnic tables and benches. Commercial Club President Jim Thompson has volunteered to supervise the upkeep of the park after its completion.

40 Years Ago, April 18, 1984

• Filings for two positions on the District 818 School Board will be accepted until the close of business on Monday, April 24. The terms of Richard Brown and Theresa Wutzke expire on June 30. Six have filed as of Tuesday, April 17. They are: Richard Brown, Beth Yule, Virgil Schmidt, William Fisher, Karen Trosen and Theresa Wutzke.

• The Bluegrass Ramblers 4-H Club of Verndale won third place in the annual Share-The-Fun competition held recently in Sebeka. Their skit was entitled “The Tater Family Getting Ready for the Fair.” First place honors went to the Junior Citizen 4-H Club with its rendition of “Smokey and His Friend” and second place went to Ambitious 4-H for their performance of “Casey at the Bat”.

• Willy Unger cuddled his Easter bunny, a purebred white New Zealand rabbit, which won him a blue ribbon and the grand champion 4-H award at the Wadena County Fair last year. Willy also received two blue ribbons for his junior does. The family and several 4-H friends recently attended a rabbit show at Brainerd to learn what will make a good show animal to help decide what they want to show at the fair

15 Years Ago, April 30, 2009

• On Saturday, April 25, the Verndale Firemen held their annual auction. The items started rolling in on the Thursday before the sale which was held on Saturday. By Friday night, the Verndale Community Center was full, First Street was full from Farwell to the Community Center with construction items, cement blocks, pavers and lumber. The road in front of the Community Center to Third Street was packed with items including dining tables, all types of chair, cars, trailers and mowers. You name it—it was there.

• The Boy Scout banquet started with the Troop Leader Jeremy Umland handing out badges to the Tiger Cubs: Connor Dailey, Cole Smith and Garet Youngbauer; Wolf Cub Sam Hess and Bear Cubs: Jaden Cornell, Tate Finck and Matt Umland. Then Troop Leader Brian Kimber handed out badges to the Boy Scouts: Alex Kimber and Dalton Schmitz. After dinner the boys participated in the Pinewood Derby races.

• The Bertha-Hewitt-Verndale Track Team traveled to Sebeka for a triangular on Tuesday and then traveled to the Browne Invitational at WDC Thursday. The Raiders continue to work hard to gain speed and strength along with gaining valuable experience. Janessa Weaver threw the discuss 94’ for a first place finish. Anna Anderson jumped in the triple jump for the first time of her career—30’—to take home first place. The 4x200 relay team of Hannah Barrett, Rose Shaw, Morgan Kapphahn and Anna Anderson took first place.



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