Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
March 20, 1996
The Eagle Valley Speech Team earned the first-place trophy for small schools at the Bertha-Hewitt Invitational on Saturday, March 16. Team members included Jessica Wysocki, Steph Nordquist (red ribbon in poetry), Arin Stoterau, Amanda Hubbard, DeeAnn Durheim, Jill Pontius (blue ribbon in drama), Josh Crider, Jason Martinson, Mike Willie, Matt Mittag, Isaac Bradlich (second place medal in extemporaneous reading), Amber Benning (blue in serious prose), Donna Notch (blue ribbon in creative), Becca Asfeld, Diane Booker, Julia Moen, and Maija Wiltermuth.
The Clarissa Homettes met on Friday, March 8 at the home of Helen Kuehne. The lesson leaders for “Updating Your Look” were Doris Cook and Glee Reierson. They gave a most interesting demonstration and explanation of the best styles and accessories for the many different shaped figures and sizes of women.
50 Years Ago
March 18, 1971
Two Clarissa basketball players were picked as members of the All-Conference basketball team in the Prairie Conference. They are Spencer Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hayes, and Phillip Wolff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wolff.
Marilyn Duda, daughter of Mrs. Victoria Duda, was selected as a delegate to the Girls State by the Clarissa American Legion Auxiliary Unit 213. She was selected by the board of the auxiliary.