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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

June 26, 1996

With his typical farmer’s gait between the barn and the house, no one would believe that Bill Einerwold celebrated more than 70 candles on his birthday cake! He has, but he is still actively engaged in farming. Bill still milks 30 Holstein cows twice a day. He does the other chores for the youngstock he raises as replacement cows and still finds time to slip into town for coffee with friends a couple of times a day. Bill was born in South Dakota. In 1941, he came to Minnesota with his parents, Ole and Martha, who moved near Clarissa.


Mark Anderson, Todd County chair for the local Salvation Army Service Unit, presented Sheriff David Kircher with over a dozen “TLC” teddy bears. The goal of this Salvation Army program is to supply teddy bears to local law enforcement agencies to comfort children involved in traumatic situations. As the bears are used, the Todd County Sheriff’s Department will receive a replacement bear to have on hand.

50 Years Ago

June 24, 1971

It was Dr. Grose Day last Sunday in Clarissa. Besides being Father’s Day, well over 900 people gathered in the auditorium of the Clarissa School to pay honor to the hometown doctors who have administered to the ills of the community’s people for 43 years.


The June meeting of the American Legion Post 213 was held on Thursday evening, June 17, at the Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Commander Ray Petersen. Installation of officers for the coming year was held. The installation was conducted by Gene Lindquist, National Executive Committeeman. Officers installed were: Don Anderson, commander, and Clifford Carlson was reinstalled as adjutant.

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