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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Dear family around the Clarissa area,

I have now been on Caluya for a little over two weeks. My first two weeks were busy checking over 11 chapters of the Kinaray-a translation of Proverbs.

I asked my co-translator for the Hiligaynon Bible I oversaw to come to Caluya to also help me in the checking process.

They loved their stay here on this beautiful island. Emy herself, who is overseeing the Kinaray-a project, had not been back here for 40 years. She was a teacher here when I arrived in 1977 and was my neighbor. I encouraged her to join TAP (Translators Association of the Philippines). She has now been with TAP for the past some 40 years.

Ramon and the three translators are now back to their homes.

I am very thankful to the Lord for the good productive times we had and keeping us healthy.

In my last update while I was on the island of Semirara, I asked for prayers for my digestive system. I appreciate your prayers. After a couple of days of discomfort, I was back to normal. I was grateful it did not turn out to be an amoeba. Or maybe it was. Anyway, the Lord healed me.

The other day I did take a spill on the motorcycle my brother-in-law has let me use. I was coming home after speaking at a Sunday evening church service at a nearby village and as I was going down a fairly steep hill, the back tire slid on some wet pavement and the motorcycle and I went down. I thanked the Lord for giving me acrobatic abilities even at 71 years old. I was able to get back up with just some bloody scratches here and there. I am so grateful for His protection. It could have been pretty bad.

What now? For this week I plan to organize a distribution program to the surrounding villages and islands for our revised Caluyanun translation. We have 47 boxes with 24 Caluyanun Scriptures in each box that are stored here on Caluya. Pray for wisdom as to how we can get these distributed into the hands of His children throughout the many islands here.

May our loving Father continue to guide you and grant you His peace and joy.

Yours in His service

and for His Word,

Kermit & Raquel Titrud



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