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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
December 14, 1997
Christmas began three months ago for Denise Albright of Bertha, a horticulture student at the University of Minnesota, Crookston. The commercial horticulture crop class began working with the poinsettia crop at the beginning of the fall quarter. Rooted cuttings from specialized propagators arrived early in September and were potted the first day of class by the students.
Betty Tritsch of Hewitt, longtime member of the Hewitt Lioness, has been awarded the Melvin Jones Fellow Award. The award recognizes “dedicated humanitarian services”. The award is through the Lions Club International Foundation. The Hewitt Lioness made and distributed 22 fruit baskets on Friday, December 19. Five of the baskets went to Shady Lane Care Center, four to Peaceful Valley in Hewitt and the others to residents of Hewitt.
75 Years Ago
December 25, 1947
Mr. C.F. Heuer has been elected chairman of the Agricultural Conservation Committee which will administer the National Farm Program in Todd County. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, commonly known as the Triple-A Act, provides the administration of the farm program in the country be in the hands of local farmer-elected committeemen.
On Saturday, December 27, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Bertha and Trinity Church of Hewitt will sponsor a free religious movie called “Messenger of Peace”. It will be shown at the Bertha Theatre at 2 o’clock.