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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

December 9, 1998

Mary (Shaw) Herzog, formerly of Bertha, and daughter Clara wrote a Christmas book about a little angel who wants to earn her wings. Herzog hopes the book will be an inspirational book and a book of healing for her mother and others who have experienced similar losses. The book was illustrated by Joan Hutson from Wadena. The book is called Joani Earns Her Wings.


Nature can be cruel, sometimes more cruel than the humans who inhabit it. On Saturday, November 28, David Selvy, Todd Kapphahn and Dennis Thiel saw first-hand how cruel nature can be. Selvy and Kapphahn were grouse hunting on the Thiel farm near Bertha when they came across two large bucks lying in the woods. The antlers of the bucks, a 10 point and 12 point, had become intertwined. Both deer had several puncture wounds in the chest and neck. One deer was dead and the other was dragging the dead one around, barely able to stand. The men attempted to pull the deer apart, but their efforts were futile. Thiel did what he considered the most humane thing and disposed of the living deer.

50 Years Ago

December 9, 1948

Bertha city elections, A.W. Potratz was re-elected, as were H.E. Anderson, recorder; L.H. Bottemiller, treasurer; and E.M Rosenberg, assessor. Fred Dehnel and Ted Hukride were elected trustees.


Hewitt High School will become the fourth member in a new athletic conference, “Crow Wing Valley Conference,” along with Motley, Pillager and Pequot Lakes.


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