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News From Bertha's Past

25 Years Ago

February 22, 1995

The Bertha-Hewitt elementary students sent 340 letters and handkerchiefs to Japanese children who suffered in the Kolbe earthquake. The care package was sent to Father John O’Malley, a Jesuit priest in Kolbe. The following is a sampling of the letters sent.

Dear Friend, My name is Trista Kay Kneisl. I have four people in my family. I like to go to my Grandma’s house and my Grandma and Grandpa Kneisl’s. My Grandma’s last name is Denny. I also like to go to my friends house. Sometimes I just like to stay home. I also like having friends over and I like to go out and eat with my family and friends. I am nine years old. I live in Bertha, Minnesota. Our town has about 500 people.

75 Years Ago

February 22, 1945

Installation of the Boy Scout troop will be observed with ceremonies Monday evening. The local troop is comprised of thirteen boys with Mr. Blashack, Ervin Elkjer and Leslie W. Anderson, assistant scoutmasters. David Westergren and Donovan Johnson are patrol leaders. The committee is composed of W.K. Bottemiller, Dr. C.B. Will, O.C. Westergren, R.F. Bassett, M.H. Millner and Clarence Johnston.


In a letter to the editor from somewhere in France, Earl Leibold stated that in the past year he has traveled through capitols of four counties, Washington D.C., London, Paris, and Luxembourg, with high hopes that Berlin will be the next.



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