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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

July 24, 1997

Gene Condiff thinks he has found a way to change his life, move out of the city and get back to the country. Tomatoes. This is no fly-by-night scheme but a carefully researched investment that Gene started last year. He and his wife, Joy, purchased a farm eight miles north of Browerville and while he still worked at his landscaping business in Minneapolis during the week, each weekend he and Joy would make the trip to the farm to tend the 300 tomato plants. They would take them to the farmer’s market on the weekend and what was left over they took to local grocery stores where they found a ready market. The experiment was successful and this year they planted 10,000 plants. He quit his job to devote all his time to the project.


The Lone Star 4-H Club has been spending some time with the elderly of our community over the past few months. In April, they went to the Central Todd County Care Center to play bingo with the residents. Each member brought an item for prizes for the residents. Following the games, they served ice cream to the residents. In May, they helped out Olive Motl by raking and cleaning up her lawn. In June, they played bingo with the senior citizens in Browerville. Each member provided a food shelf item for the prizes and the leftover items were taken to the Browerville Food Shelf.

75 Years Ago

July 24, 1947

On Friday, August 8, the 64th annual Todd County Fair will open its gates to the public. As in the past several years, the first day is Entry Day and the public is invited to compete for generous premiums in all departments of the fair. Entries will be received from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Premium lists have been distributed to all creameries in the county and are available for the asking.


The crow shoot which was sponsored by the Browerville Community Sportsman Club was successful in the number of crows that were bagged. The big feed, with the losing side serving the winners, will be held at Horseshoe Lake Pavilion on Thursday, July 24, at 7 p.m. Roman Iten, losing team captain, assures the winners that the feed is going to be a big one.



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