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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

March 19, 1998

What are these men in the photo so happy about? Doug Foote is chasing his very first premium check, dated 1979, from the Farmer’s Co-op Feed Store. Dale Katterhagen is happy to share in this special moment. The Farmer’s Co-op held its annual meeting last week at the Vet’s Club.


The Browerville Volunteer Fire Department honored members who are retiring from service at their annual banquet held last Saturday night at the Community Center. The five retirees, who together have served more than 80 years, were given plaques that will hang in the department’s meeting room. Steve Beck, 1978-1998; Jerry Smith, 1977-1997; Joe Myers, 1976-1997; Walter Lucas, 1971 to 1998, and Chuck Jesinoski, 1983 to 1997.

75 Years Ago

March 18, 1948

Seventy enthusiastic members of the newly organized Browerville Commercial Club were present at the Qualitee Inn last Thursday evening. A very fine dinner was served by the force at the restaurant and they received a vote of appreciation from those partaking of the delicious meal that was served. Following the dinner, a short business session was held. President Robert E. Lee introduced Les Hysell, manager of the milk plant, who gave a very interesting talk on activities at the plant.


The Browerville Volunteer Fire Department will hold its annual Easter Ball at the Horseshoe Lake Pavilion on Monday, March 29, according to an announcement this week by Fire Chief Joseph Kotula. Benny Patri and his band will provide the program of new and old-time music for the dance. Serving on the arrangements committee are Ed Woell, Bob Bentz, Leo Beamer, Al Hynnek, Herb Lemm, and Joseph Kotula.


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