Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
April 9, 1998
The bumper sticker may read “The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” In this case, the second rat got the milk. Fifth graders in Craig Johnson’s class at Browerville Elementary School have been feeding two rats for the past month. Snowball was fed milk, while Stimpy received sweetened water. Pictured holding the classroom “lab rats” were two students who participated in this dairy promotion-sponsored experiment, Danny Anderson and Tina Abrahamson.
Minnesota National Guard Member Master Sergeant Clifton R. Sadlo of Browerville was recently awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his distinguished professionalism and outstanding performance. This achievement is the result of his tireless contributions and dedication while serving as the First Sergeant of the Company B, 134th Forward Support Battalion in Minneapolis. He has been in the service for over 25 years.
75 Years Ago
April 8, 1948
The juniors are all very excited, and of course, they have a very good reason because the time for the presentation of their play “Lindy Lou” is drawing near. The members of the cast are: Urban Kuntz, Arliss Plotnick, Delores Lehrke, Vern Koval, Larry Ostrowski, Noreen Peschl, Jacqueline John, Phyllis Poplinski, Charles Epperson and last but not least, Ronald Wolters.
In the campaign held here last week in which funds were raised to be used to further the Boy Scouts' work, 20 local men acted as solicitors, as the average collection by these men was $11, for a total of $220. The high individual collection was $17, the low was $3. The fund was oversubscribed by $20. Dr. Lenarz, chairman of the campaign, and Walt Kotula, local scoutmaster, are taking this means of thanking everyone for their kind and generous support and also thank the workers for their help.