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New vestibule highlights changes at Hilltop Regional Kitchen

by Karin L. Nauber

A lot has been happening at the Hilltop Regional Kitchen (HRK).

Rick Hest provided a brief recap of some of the happenings in an e-mail recently.

Here are just a few things from the May 26 update from the HRK board of directors.

1. The money came through for the United States Department of Agriculture grant and believe it or not, we have a vestibule! Jeremy Wagner and his crew and sub-contractors have diligently put our plan into place and it is beautiful (if a vestibule can be). The next time you are in Eagle Bend you might want to swing by and see it. (Or take a gander at the photo above!)

2. Due to the pandemic, the demand on the kitchen has grown in ways we never imagined.

For the past month we have been asked to be part of supplying thousands of meals to the Red Lake Reservation.

Due to all of the increased meals, Lutheran Social Services (LSS) went to having two shifts of workers so that the building has been in use from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. five days a week. . . .



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