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Todd County Board of Commissioners: DC Lien preliminary plat is tabled

Note: Not the actual plat. For illustrative purposes only.

by Karin L. Nauber

A request from Douglas and Carol Lien to plat 30.36 acres into 20 non-riparian lots to be known as DC Lien Addition in Shoreland-GD Zoning was approved by the Planning Commission on November 5, 2020.

This was brought before the Todd County Board of Commissioners on November 17, 2020, where it was remanded back to the Planning Commission.

The item was then further reviewed by the Planning Commission on December 3, 2020, and again on January 7, 2021.

The final recommendation of the Planning Commission was to approve the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions:

1. Completion of a Wetland Delineation [plan].

2. Submittal of a stormwater management plan designed by a licensed engineer.

3. Installation of the stormwater management plan prior to final platting.

4. Placement of a public right-of-way (ROW) turn around area at the east end of Fawn Drive. Turn around must meet county standards and be designed by a licensed engineer.

5. Creation of covenants addressing who is responsible for maintenance of stormwater management practices.

6. Lots 1 through 7 shall be restricted to accessory structures only. No residential development will be allowed on lots 1 through 7.

7. The developer and future property owners must obtain appropriate permitting when necessary from other governmental agencies including but not limited to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Sauk River Watershed District.

When it came before the county commissioners again at their January 19 meeting, it was discussed at great length with particular concerns about the road—a cul-de-sac—and the increase of traffic through the area. . .


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