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Verndale City Council: Difficulty decorating tree in the park is discussed

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on December 9.

Public Works

Matt Uselman, public works supervisor, said it is getting harder to decorate the 40 foot tree in the park as they can’t get a high enough lift. He discussed getting a couple of fake trees instead. Uselman estimated $10,000 for three 12 foot trees. He will look into it. Three pine trees in that park were planted years ago by the Lions and they used to decorate them until they got too tall to decorate. They discussed the possibility of planting a new tree.

Uselman said they are still painting the new water treatment plant and the doors will be “Verndale green”. He suggested having an open house when the water treatment plant is complete. The council agreed.

Uselman is looking at ways to make snow removal more efficient. It took him and Chase Graba several hours on Saturday and Sunday and they still weren’t able to finish hauling the snow away from downtown. The dump truck slows down the job and the lift is battery operated and only lasts about 15 dumps.

Water Project

Clif Allen with Moore Engineering presented partial pay estimate number 10 with Eagle Construction for $299,153 for all the mechanical and electrical needed in the new water treatment plant. The payment was approved. The well is drilled and they are getting 195 gallons per minute. . . .

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