Verndale City Council: Water tower project finally coming to a close
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on September 12.
Water Tower Project
Clif Allen with Moore Engineering said the water tower project is coming to a close. There has been some frustration with some of the groundwork such as seeding. They can close out the project as there is a one-year warranty. Some minor issues have been spotted, such as a slightly rusted valve. They will have a warranty inspection in June. The warranty kicks in as soon as substantial completion is established, which was the end of June. Allen believes the former water tower site will have to be reseeded in the spring as the ground is quite hard.
Approved the change order of $17,552, a reduction allowance from $25,000. The final contract amount is $798,500. Approved final payment 13 to Maguire Iron of $39,997 for the last of the site work and retainage, contingent on close-out documents. . .