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Wadena County Commissioners: Discussion includes vaccine, ordinance and audit

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on January 19.

Comprehensive Re-entry Program

Hope McAdow reviewed the first full year of the comprehensive re-entry program for the Wadena County Jail.

They completed 110 chemical dependency referrals for assessment and treatment, 56 mental health referrals, 23 of those were assigned to adult and mental health case management upon release, 24 obtained housing, utilized mobile crisis outreach for those with suicidal ideation 31 times in the past year, and met with 340 individuals in the past year.

The main goal of the program is to decrease the recidivism rate which is when a person is released from jail and commits another crime. Wadena County’s rate is lower than any in the region.

A survey was taken and 80-90 percent shared they wouldn’t have followed through without the program.

Sheriff Mike Carr shared that employees and inmates seem more content. He is excited to see the recidivism rate over time.

Sergeant Bryan Savaloja is pleased with better communication and her coordinating getting the individuals treatment.

Carr added that helping people get on their feet, obtain employment and become a productive member of society is a huge help for everyone.

COVID Vaccine Update

Cindy Pederson, public health director, updated the commissioners on the vaccine distribution.

In late December they began vaccinating the high-risk individuals in group 1a, such as healthcare workers and long-term care residents, assisted living residents and staff, dental offices, and more. They are nearly finished with that group.

They are preparing for the next group, 1b, which includes those 65 and older and educators. It will be based on vaccine availability.

Public health is receiving 100 first doses of the Moderna vaccine. The supply isn’t meeting the demand. . .


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