Harkening Back
News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
August 12, 1998
Shoppers who will be taking advantage of Clarissa’s Sidewalk Sales on Friday, August 14 will also have the opportunity to view the museum. According to Vonda Hedlund, enough volunteers have been secured to keep the museum open from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The Clarissa Museum is now located in the former laundromat building next to Battle Lake Outdoors.
Vandals struck in the city park again, cutting a foot square piece out of the canopy on the new play set. Chief Barber reported one fight and one arrest, two assist motorists, two thefts, three vandalism and open doors, four citations, six dog complaints, nine assist other departments, 16 warnings and 13 miscellaneous complaints.
50 Years Ago
August 9, 1973
A large crowd was on hand last Friday evening to watch the players of 1963 and 1964 take on the young current baseball team. Age must be starting to show on the vets, as they couldn’t quite handle the younger squad and dropped a four to one decision.
The largest exhibit of 4-H dairy cattle in the history of the Todd County Fair was shown at the annual exposition. Todd County 4-Hers exhibited 173 dairy animals. The previous high number of 4-H fair animals exhibited was 166 at the 1972 county fair.