Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
June 11, 1998
Members of the Custom Cruisers Car Club: Mel Johnson, president; John Johnson, and Rick Blair, posed with a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda, 1974 Corvette and 1978 Dodge pickup. These and up to fifty cars will be featured at the Browerville Days Celebration June 26-28. The car show will be held on Saturday, June 26, all day on West 6th Street. Judging will be held at 4 p.m.
The Lone Star 4-H Club, in conjunction with the Long Prairie River Project, planted 1000 trees along the Moran Creek that runs through a pasture that is owned by the Dan and Barb Becker family. Together they will monitor the creek to see what effects the trees and pasturing cattle have on the creek, which flows into the Long Prairie River.
75 Years Ago
June 10, 1948
The first amateur night of the summer, held at the village park under the water tank, was attended by a large appreciative audience. Each number was well received and was followed by much hand clapping. The amateur nights are to be given every other Saturday night during the summer. The next will be held on June 19 so hurry in folks and sign up at the Blade office.
The Crow Shoot of the Browerville Community Sportsman’s Club is now in full swing and the following sides have been chosen: Captain Lloyd Bergh, Freddie Poplinski, Wm. Zigan, Richard Irsfeld, John Van Hoever, Hub Ringwelski, E.F. Deskins, Eugene Kotula, Cecil Bentz, Leo Steinmetz, Leo Sadlo, Phil Host, Byron Monnie, Ralph Hirth and Kenneth John. The other team: Captain Clarence Taylor, Al Poplinski, Joe Hanych, Robert Bentz, Tony Pokornoski, James Kotula, Ray Hirth, Louis Sadlo, Ed Cech, Frank Maschler, Robert Gorman, Ed Kotula, Frank Eldred, Loren Kahlert and Joseph Poplinski.