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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

August 27, 1998

“It’s been a wonderful place to live and raise a family,” said Rosie Motl about living on a farm eight miles north of Browerville. For Rosie, it has been since she married Robert in 1955. For Robert it has been his whole life. This year the Motl home received the honor of becoming a Century Farm. The Minnesota State Fair and the Minnesota Farm Bureau recognized 253 farms this year. It was in 1898 that Louis Motl Sr. moved to Browerville with his family from North Dakota. An immigrant from Moravia Bohemia born in 1857, Louis was 41 at the time.


Staff cuts are likely in the Public Health Department during 1999, Public Health Director Doris Jenison told County Commissioners at their August 18 meeting. Jennison reported that 1999 projected revenues for her department will be down $30,000 from 1998 and just over a quarter of a million dollars from their 1996 high of $1,357,000.

75 Years Ago

August 26, 1948

The Browerville Public School will open Tuesday, September 7, with registration and classes scheduled for the entire school day. Enrollment trends indicate an increase from the past year when it reached an all time high. Students who have completed the eighth grade in rural or parochial schools must submit evidence that they have completed this work before admission will be granted.


The Browerville Community Sportsman’s Club will sponsor a beauty queen contest at the American Legion celebration at Long Prairie September 5-6. Miss Betty Lou Simonson is an entrant in the contest.



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