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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

February 18, 1999

"When I was a cute little shrimp, I never expected to be a drab old crab,” joked Mathilda Malewaja, age 83. She loves to play with words this way, to rhyme them and to write down what’s in her heart. “It just comes natural to me to write poetry.” Her specialty is what she calls “Polish Poultry” which consists of a rhyme within a rhyme.


Each year the Browerville FFA donates part of their fruit sales profit to a good cause in the community. Thank you for your support. This year the FFA donated $100 to the Browerville Food Shelf and $200 to the Browervile Fire Department. Pictured are: John Tschida, Keith Sand, Ryan Baron and Bill Buhl with the check for the fire department. The department will use the donation towards the purchase of backpack water canisters for fighting grass fires.

75 Years Ago

February 17, 1949

Partial bids for general construction for the Browerville School addition were awarded to the low bid, the A. Nasvig Construction Co. of Bemidji, at a special meeting of the Board of Education on February 10. Plans for the addition have undergone numerous revisions by action of the architect, Mr. M.O. Foss.


The Farm Bureau, Hartford-Little Elk Unit, meets Thursday evening, February 17, at 8:30 p.m. at the Browerville City Hall. The main topic of discussion will be Swine Sanitation. Movies will be shown on Lindsy Brothers Weed Control equipment and farm machinery. Blue Cross members interested in Blue Shield must join by February 17.



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