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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

March 31, 1999

April 17 is the date set for the banquet and coronation of the 1999 Todd County Dairy Princesses. The event will take place at the Browerville Community Center. In the running are: Angie Benning, 18, of Browerville; Amanda Clasemann, 19, of Long Prairie; Rebecca Asfeld, 18, of Clarissa; Amber Benning, 10, of Eagle Bend; and Arin Stoterau, 18, of Eagle Bend.


Rebecca Larson received her award for her Serious Poetry speech which earned her third place at the Eagle Valley Speech Meet last week. Also placing were: Amanda Hubbard, fourth place, Creative Expression; Charlie Booker and Missy Olson, second, alternate Dramatic Duo; Crystal Hess, sixth place; Michelle Holt, second place in Humorous Interpretation; Jackie Svaren, third place informative; Amber Benning, third place in Serious Drama; Amanda Eblen, fourth place; and Rebecca Larson, third place in Serious Poetry; and Julia Moen, second place, Serious Prose.

45 Years Ago

March 28, 1979

The Eagle Bend Volunteer Fire Department answered a call on Thursday, March 21, at 7:15 p.m. The department was called to the scene of a truck accident on County Road 22, east of Eagle Bend. A straight truck had gone into the ditch and tipped over. Gas was spurting from the tank and it was feared that it would catch fire.


The newly re-activated Eagle Bend Commercial Club is currently holding a membership drive to recruit new members.



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