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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

June 25, 1997

Clarissa’s United Methodist Church celebrated its 100th anniversary last weekend with many activities. These pastors made the celebration special: Reverend Judith Clark Wharton, her father was a pastor at Clarissa from 1959 to 1967; Reverend Duane M. Gebhard, district superintendent: Reverend Bonita Orr, 1988 to 1997; Reverend Leo Hagmann, and Reverend Dan Johnson 1984-1998.


Perham lost its first Hi-10 league game of the year Wednesday and the defeat was to division team leader, the Clarissa Flyers. Joe Cuchna pitched a strong game as he scattered seven Perham hits, struck out seven, and walked six. But only one of the free passes went on to score.

50 Years Ago

June 22, 1972

Carol Fisher, a junior at Clarissa High School, has had a poem that she wrote accepted for publication. Her poem, entitled “Nature’s Beauty” will appear in the “Anthology of High School Poetry" which is published by the National High School Poetry Press of Los Angeles. The book will be purchased and placed in the library.


Little Eric Holmquist has both arms in separate casts this week as a result of a fall while playing on a hay rack. The seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Holmquist was playing with friends on a neighbor’s farm when he fell last Wednesday evening.


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