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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

March 17, 1999

DHIA awards dairy farmers: Lester and Dorothy Berscheit, retirees; Wilma and John Schwanke, retirees; John Pokorney, Two Times Milking Award-Woodside Dairy-Dollar Value-$3495; James Bertram, Three Times Milking-Faith Acres Dairy-Dollar Value-$3401; Roger Zastrow receiving the award for his parents Donald and Marilyn Zastrow, retirees; Luana Siebert, retiree and JoAnn Current for 15 years of service to the Todd County DHIA program as supervisor. The annual DHIA banquet was held at the Clarissa Ballroom on March 4.


The Eagle Valley Study Club had the privilege of having Author Brent Olson at their meeting last week. Olson is the author of the book, ā€œLay of the Land.ā€ Pictured are the study group members: Sharon Harris, Barb Hest, Author Brent Olson, Beth Swenson, Sarah Swenson, Byrel Irish, Evelyn Bain, Roz Cuchna, Kay Nelson and Millicent Godding.

50 Years Ago

March 14, 1974

Eighteen Boy Scouts from Clarissa Troop Number 37 were included in the approximately 675 scouts and leaders that attended the annual winter rendezvous held last weekend at Camp Ripley.


The Clarissa Volunteer Fire Department members will hold their annual St. Patrickā€™s Dance this Saturday evening, March 16, at the Clarissa Ballroom.



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